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Ready to roll: Simon on the Pacific shoreline
Ready to roll: Simon on the Pacific shoreline

Press release -

Bristol cyclist braved rattlesnakes for the Stroke Association

A Bristol man braved desert heat, hypothermia and an attack by an angry rattlesnake on a coast-to-coast cycle ride across the USA.

Simon Galpin, 55, from Kingswood, raised almost £3,500 for the Stroke Association, a charity which helps people rebuild their lives after stroke.

Simon, an engineer with Airbus at Filton, cycled 3,400 miles in seven weeks, crossing 16 states, deserts, mountains, plains and around the great lakes from Los Angeles to Boston. In total he climbed 107,000ft – equivalent to cycling up Everest more than three times.

“I did this to get really fit, have an adventure and meet new people but I also wanted to raise funds for the Stroke Association,” said Simon.

“My father Tony had two strokes a few years ago and I have witnessed first-hand how much a stroke impacts the individual and their families.”

Simon was part of a group of 21 riders, many of whom were raising money for various charities. Back home, Simon’s wife Sharron and children Ewan and Zoe followed his progress on the tracking app Strava.

“It was an incredible adventure that I will cherish. The hardest parts were riding in the vast deserts of Los Angeles and Arizona.

“The temperatures were around 44 degrees with a massive radiant heat coming up from the concrete roads. Any exposed piece of skin was immediately burnt and many people suffered blisters on their lips and face.

“It was here that as I was changing a rear puncture I realised there was a rattlesnake on the other side of my bike. It attacked and luckily for me it hit my wheel and recoiled. As did I!

“A few days after in New Mexico I got soaking wet and cold on a long climb to 2,300m and lost my core body temperature on the descent, catching hypothermia, with no one around to support. Not a nice feeling.

“I found a random coffee shop in a deserted old mining town and recovered. The owner asked ‘what the hell I was doing’. When I explained she told me they had aeroplanes to get across the country!

“The highlights were the amazing rides, on great roads and epic views, especially in Sedona and New England. We rode one road in Missouri that was called ‘The Roller Coaster’. 140 separate hills of a pretty constant -10%/+10% gradient, you had to accelerate down to get as much momentum as you could to get up the other side.

“Whilst I trained hard for the physical part, I had underestimated the mental part. You had to be strict on a routine, 5.30am wake-up, shower/pack your stuff; breakfast (and we ate a LOT!), pack the van, brief on the route, ride the route, unpack/shower/wash/dry clothes, dinner (eat a LOT), sort your bike, sleep and start again. I loved the whole thing.

“Thanks to those super generous supporters who have given almost £3,500 to the Stroke Association. This money will help to rebuild lives. This far exceeded my expectations, I am so humbled.”

Marvin White, relationship fundraiser at the Stroke Association, said: “Every five minutes, stroke destroys lives and it can strike anyone – young, old and anyone in between. The Stroke Association is here to fund research and support people to rebuild their lives after stroke, but this is only possible with the efforts of our amazing supporters such as Simon and we’re hugely grateful to him.”



  • Stroke strikes every five minutes in the UK and it changes lives in an instant.
  • The Stroke Association is a charity working across the UK to support people to rebuild their lives after stroke. We believe that everyone deserves to live the best life they can after stroke. From local support services and groups, to online information and support, anyone affected by stroke can visit or call our dedicated Stroke Helpline on 0303 3033 100 to find out about support available locally.
  • Our specialist support, research and campaigning are only possible with the courage and determination of the stroke community and the generosity of our supporters. With more donations and support, we can help rebuild even more lives.
  • You can follow us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.


Martin Oxley

Martin Oxley

Press contact Press Officer South of England 07776 508 646
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