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Caroline and Matt on their wedding day.
Caroline and Matt on their wedding day.

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Northern Ireland stroke survivors ‘feel abandoned’ after leaving hospital

A Lisburn couple whose idyllic life together was shattered by a sudden stroke have called on Stormont to do far more to support stroke survivors and their families to cope with its long-term physical and emotional effects.

Matt and Caroline Cooke are backing the Stroke Association’s Thriving After Stroke campaign, calling for people to have the support they need to live well after a stroke.

“I felt I was fighting the system,” said Caroline.

Matt, then 40, and Caroline, 38, were enjoying a blissful weekend on their boat at Enniskillen in August 2020 when, without warning, he found he couldn’t walk and felt disorientated and confused. Caroline called 999 and while they were waiting for an ambulance, she saw that his face was drooping, one of the signs of stroke.

Matt was to spend more than six months in hospital before going home but the couple felt ill-prepared for the range of problems their new life would bring.

The stroke left Matt with a range of disabilities. He has lost the use of his left arm, has cognitive problems and is unable to return to work as a joiner. Caroline became his carer and had to reduce her working hours in NI Health and Social Care. They had to live with her parents for three years before being able to move back into a home of their own.

Caroline said that although some of the support Matt received from Health and Social Care was excellent and staff were “amazing”, it did not last long enough. Services such as care packages, physiotherapy and clinical psychology were too fragmented and difficult to access, unsuitable for Matt’s needs or in some cases non-existent.

Caroline said: “Community stroke support is vital for stroke survivors but normally they only get about six months maximum and are written off after that. If there was more investment in the community teams, then more time could be given, and survivors could make more progress. Younger stroke survivors especially could benefit from additional time.

“There was a lack of joined up services and I felt I was fighting the system,” she said. “You need to chase everything up yourself. If it wasn’t for the voluntary sector I would have no information.

“Stroke has a major life changing impact on the survivor, their family, and friends. It is devastating and people need real support.”

The impact of stroke on families is often overlooked and Caroline received counselling from the Stroke Association’s Emotional Support Service in Northern Ireland.

“My whole life has changed,” said Caroline. “As a couple we enjoyed our life and our separate interests. We both worked hard and saved up for nice holidays and nice things for our home.

“I was not worried about death or filled with constant anxiety.

“The stroke and its effects have impacted on me mentally and I now suffer with anxiety issues. I lost the person who I knew.

“We were a very close couple in all ways and now we can’t even really sit beside each other as Matt needs a special chair. We can’t hold hands because he needs a stick to walk, and his other arm is paralysed.

“We are both still in shock I guess about just how much of a huge impact the stroke and its after-effects have had on our overall relationship.”

There are more than 40,000 stroke survivors in Northern Ireland and every three hours someone has a stroke.

Through its Thriving After Stroke campaign, the Stroke Association is calling on the Department of Health to ensure that life after stroke support receives the prioritisation and investment it requires so that every person affected by stroke feels supported with their recovery.

Alasdair O’Hara, the charity’s Northern Ireland Director, said Caroline and Matt’s story was sadly all too typical.

“More and more stroke survivors and families are feeling abandoned after leaving hospital, particularly when it comes to support with their mental health,” said Alasdair.

“A stroke is sudden and shocking and affects every part of your life, including your mental health. Yet in a survey of people affected by stroke in Northern Ireland, 90 per cent of stroke survivors told us that their emotional needs were not met after leaving hospital, while 98 per cent of carers told us they sometimes struggle to cope.

“Despite being a vital part of the stroke care pathway, long-term, life after stroke support, including emotional and psychological support, is often overlooked when it comes to budgets and workforce planning.

“As well as ensuring that people have the support they need to aid their recovery, investing in and improving life after stroke support would deliver huge benefits to the health and social care system and the economy. This includes freeing up time for clinical colleagues, supporting hospital flow, reducing reliance on primary care, reducing unplanned hospital admissions; and improving return to work rates.

“The Stroke Action Plan published by Minister Swann in 2022 provides the roadmap for improving and transforming stroke services in Northern Ireland, including long-term support for stroke survivors.

“With a returned Executive and Assembly, we now must give it the multi-year investment and political leadership it needs to truly deliver better conditions and outcomes for both people affected by stroke and the stroke workforce.”

What is life after stroke support?

Life after stroke support provides the information and support that many stroke survivors need to rebuild their lives, regain independence, reduce their risk of a further stroke, and improve their confidence, self-esteem, and physical and mental wellbeing.

Thriving After Stroke: what Stroke Association NI is calling for

  • The life after stroke workforce to be included in the upcoming stroke workforce review and long-term plan so that the necessary people, skills and knowledge required to support longer-term recovery are available from all relevant providers.
  • The new Northern Ireland specification for the provision of community and long-term support to be appropriately resourced and rolled-out across Health and Social Care Trusts.
  • All stroke survivors to have access to effective pathways into clinical psychology and mental health services, encompassing both statutory and community and voluntary sector provision.


  • Stroke strikes every five minutes in the UK and it changes lives in an instant.
  • The Stroke Association is a charity working across the UK to support people to rebuild their lives after stroke. We believe that everyone deserves to live the best life they can after stroke. From local support services and groups, to online information and support, anyone affected by stroke can visit or call our dedicated Stroke Helpline on 0303 3033 100 to find out about support available locally.
  • Our specialist support, research and campaigning are only possible with the courage and determination of the stroke community and the generosity of our supporters. With more donations and support, we can help rebuild even more lives.
  • You can follow us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.


Martin Oxley

Martin Oxley

Press contact Press Officer South of England 07776 508 646
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