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"You switch off completely from worrying about anything. It’s a lovely feeling. You feel ‘wooo, this is good!’"

Devon woman lost her job and her home after a devastating stroke - new she's rebuilding her life by surfing

A 62-year-old Devon woman whose life was turned upside down after a devastating stroke has found a perfect way to forget the bad times… on a surfboard.
Sally Freeman lost her home and her job when she had a stroke four days before Christmas in 2015.
Supported by the Stroke Association, she has been rebuilding her life ever since and has recently been enjoying a course for stroke survivors fu

Stroke survivor gets back in the saddle to take on the Bristol 100 for the Stroke Association

Stroke survivor gets back in the saddle to take on the Bristol 100 for the Stroke Association

Stroke survivor and Banwell resident Peter Griffith is gearing up to take part in the first ever Bristol 100/60/25 cycle ride on Sunday 28 September. Peter aims to tackle the event’s 100 mile route to raise £500 for the Stroke Association.
Peter, 48, has always been a keen cyclist and was inspired to take on the challenge for the charity after having a stroke in 2006.
Peter was in hi

Last chance to sign up for the Bedell Cycle Challenge in aid of the Stroke Association, Jersey

Last chance to sign up for the Bedell Cycle Challenge in aid of the Stroke Association, Jersey

With 10 weeks to go until the group departs, the Stroke Association would like to invite last minute sign-ups ahead of the cut-off date for registrations (Friday 18 July).  With a great 10-week training guide available, it’s not too late to get fit and ready for this brilliant challenge - all regular and social cyclists are encouraged to take part.
Taking place from Tuesday 23 September and

Buckfastleigh resident urges the community to step out

Buckfastleigh resident urges the community to step out

Tracey Kibby, 34, from Buckfastleigh, Devon is calling on residents in Plymouth and the surrounding areas to take part in the Stroke Association’s Step out for Stroke event on Saturday 07 June at2.00pm at The Hoe, Plymouth. The fundraising walk is part ofAction on Stroke Month, where the Stroke Association aims to promote stroke awareness and prevention as well as raise vital funds for the ch