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The Stroke Association calls on Huddersfield to help conquer stroke

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The Stroke Association calls on Huddersfield to help conquer stroke

The Mayor of Kirklees, Cllr Ken Smith joined forces with the Stroke Association and local stroke survivors recently to help conquer stroke.

The charity is supporting the International Communication Project (ICP) 2014, which aims to highlight the importance of human communication.

By signing up to the project’s online pledge, people can show their support to the millions of people around the world who have communication disorders, such as aphasia. This condition affects a third of all stroke survivors and alters people’s ability to communicate, whether it is speaking, reading, writing or understanding.

Cllr Ken Smith, visited the Stroke Association’s Aphasia Choir on Monday 08 September, a six week project held at Huddersfield Methodist Mission, to show his support for the global pledge.

Victoria Robinson, Communication Support Coordinator at the Stroke Association, said: “Aphasia
has a massive impact on stroke survivors’ lives. The communication disorder can limit people’s ability to participate fully in family life, their community, education and work. Some stroke survivors with aphasia find singing helps give them a voice again. Our singing workshops have helped some people discover a new talent, while others have rediscovered an old one.

“We hope everyone in Huddersfield will sign up to the ICP 2014 pledge to show their support to people all over the world who have a communication disorder. By helping to raise awareness, together we can conquer stroke.”

Cora Smithies, 74 from Almondbury, joined the Aphasia Choir after having a stroke 18 months ago. Her stroke affected the right hand side of her body and memory, and she was left her unable to read or write.

She said: “The singing workshops have helped me meet other people in the same situation. It has given me a weekly outing to look forward to and we’re now all like old friends. It’s important other people with communication disorders are given the same opportunity to be part of their community. By signing up to the ICP pledge we can help to support others with aphasia.”

For more information about the International Communication Project 2014 (ICP 2014) visit

To sign the pledge, visit

The Stroke Association provides an Information, Advice and Support Service and Communication Support in Kirklees, in partnership with Kirklees Council. For more information about stroke, ring the Helpline on 0303 30 33 100 or visit



A stroke is a brain attack which happens when the blood supply to the brain is cut off, caused by a clot or bleeding in the brain. There are around 152,000 strokes in the UK every year and it is the leading cause of severe adult disability. There are over 1.2 million people in the UK living with the effects of stroke.  

Stroke Association is a charity. We believe in life after stroke and together we can conquer stroke. We work directly with stroke survivors and their families and carers, with health and social care professionals and with scientists and researchers. We campaign to improve stroke care and support people to make the best recovery they can. We fund research to develop new treatments and ways of preventing stroke. The Stroke Helpline (0303 303 3100) provides information and support on stroke. More information can be found at



Vicki Hall

Vicki Hall

Press contact PR Manager Fundraising and local services 0161 742 7478