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Regions: Surrey

The Great Paddle challenge for stroke

The Great Paddle challenge for stroke

Phil Elborough from Petersfield has decided to do a mammoth paddle board challenge to raise funds for the Stroke Association.Phil was inspired to do something in Action on Stroke Month to thank the local Petersfield Stroke Association for the fantastic support that they have given him and his mother since his Dad had two strokes.

Trio to take on sixteen of London’s Bridges in Thames Bridges Bike ride

Trio to take on sixteen of London’s Bridges in Thames Bridges Bike ride

A trio from Tri Fits –U, a small Triathlon/Duathlon Training Club based in Warlingham, have signed up for this year’s 50 mile extended, Thames Bridges Bike ride. Mick, Shelley and Natalie will be riding over sixteen of London’s most famous bridges and going past many iconic landmarks, during the ride which takes place on the 10th May 2015.

Heather urges people from Surrey to act FAST

Heather urges people from Surrey to act FAST

Heather Cooper, 49 from Fetcham, had a stroke in October last year and believes the FAST Test could have saved her life. Mia, Heather’s 13 year old daughter, recognised the FAST Symptoms when her Mum showed her that she couldn’t lift her arm. Mia knew straight away that her Mum had a stroke, and told her Dad to call 999.