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Regions: Wales

Life without communication is a reality for  Stroke survivors like Mark

Life without communication is a reality for Stroke survivors like Mark

A world without communication is an everyday reality for the 350,000 stroke survivors in the UK with aphasia (i) like Mark Leather from Cardiff– aphasia is a communication disability that is most commonly caused by stroke. Mae byd heb gyfathrebu yn realiti beunyddiol i’r 350,000 o oroeswyr strôc ag affasia yn y Deyrnas Unedig (i) , fel Mark Leather o Gaerdydd. Anabledd cyfathrebu yw affasia a ac

Almost half of Wales’s residents unaware that stroke is one of the biggest killers in the UK, according to Stroke Association study

Almost half of Wales’s residents unaware that stroke is one of the biggest killers in the UK, according to Stroke Association study

Almost half of people in Wales don’t know that stroke is the fourth biggest killer in the UK, according to new research by the Stroke Association1. Read more here: Nid yw bron i hanner y boblogaeth yng Nghymru yn gwybod mai strôc yw’r lladdwr mwyaf ond tri yn y Deyrnas Unedig, yn ôl ymchwil newydd gan y Gymdeithas Strôc1. Darllenwch fwy yma

Strokes caused by Covid-19 under the spotlight in world’s largest research study

The Stroke Association is funding the world’s largest research study to investigate worrying reports that Covid-19 is causing life-threatening strokes [1-2]. As Covid-19 cases continue to rise across the globe, this critical research may help to prevent Covid-19-related death and disability. The study will build on the work of the British Heart Foundation (BHF) Data Science Centre at Health Data R

Stroke charity is ‘Here for You’

The Stroke Association has launched a new volunteer-run telephone support service to help stroke survivors who are feeling lonely or isolated.
Here for You provides stroke survivors and their carers with regular telephone support and the charity wants to attract more volunteers to help rebuild lives after stroke.
The coronavirus pandemic has meant that all Stroke Association Groups in Wales

Act FAST and call 999

Stroke concern rising amid Covid-19 crisis warns top charity

Concerns are mounting that people who have a stroke or TIA/mini-stroke (transient ischemic attack) are not calling 999 amid the coronavirus pandemic. With strokes continuing to strike across Wales at this time, the Stroke Association fears that thousands of people could be at risk of severe disability, or even stroke-related death, if they don’t Act FAST on stroke symptoms.

Therapi celf i gefnogi goroeswyr strôc

Therapi celf i gefnogi goroeswyr strôc

Bydd rhaglen therapi celf newydd ar gyfer goroeswyr strôc yn dychwelyd i Ganolfan cymunedol Tŷ Llewelyn, Llandudno, ar Dachwedd 16.

Nikki Cantrill gyda'i chi

Diwrnod o hwyl a sioe gŵn i gefnogi strôc.

Mae’r hyfforddwr cŵn Nikki Cantrill yn addo diwrnod o hwyl ac adloniant yn Sioe Gwn Powys K9. Trefnwyd y sioe er côf am ei thad a fu farw o strôc. Bydd y digwyddiad yn cael ei gynnal ar 2 Medi, ar dir y busnes helpodd Tony Cantrill i’w ferch Nikki sefydlu.

Nikki Cantrill with her dog

Fun Day and Dog Show in support of The Stroke Association

Llansanfraid dog trainer, Nikki Cantrill, has organised a dog show in memory of her father who died following a stroke in July. The event will be held on 2nd September on the grounds of the dog training business Tony Cantrill helped his daughter establish.

Llinos Wyn Parry a Rachel Richards


Bydd llawer mwy o oroeswyr strôc a'u gofalwyr ledled Cymru bellach yn gallu cael cymorth ychwanegol i helpu gyda'u hadferiadau, diolch i lansiad prosiect newydd ‘Camau Cymunedol Strôc' gan y Gymdeithas Strôc.

Llinos Wyn Parry and Rachel Richards


Many more stroke survivors and their carers across Wales will be now able to receive additional support to help with their recoveries, thanks to the launch of a brand new project ‘Stroke Community Steps’ run by the Stroke Association.  

Liz Atter, cydlynydd y Gymdeithas Strôc sy’n cydlynu Gofalu a Chi

Cefnogaeth i ofalwyr goroeswyr strôc

Mae’r Gymdeithas Strôc yn lansio prosiect newydd, Gofalu a Chi, i ofalwyr goroeswyr strôc de orllewin Cymru sydd wedi gweld newid yn eu bywydau ar ôl effaith dirybudd strôc.

The Stroke Association’s Support Coordinator , Liz Atter, who is overseeing Caring and You

Support for carers of stroke survivors

The Stroke Association is launching a new project, Caring and You, for the carers of survivors in South-West Wales whose lives change after the sudden impact of stroke.

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