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Categories: stroke

Strokes caused by Covid-19 under the spotlight in world’s largest research study

The Stroke Association is funding the world’s largest research study to investigate worrying reports that Covid-19 is causing life-threatening strokes [1-2]. As Covid-19 cases continue to rise across the globe, this critical research may help to prevent Covid-19-related death and disability. The study will build on the work of the British Heart Foundation (BHF) Data Science Centre at Health Data R

Act FAST and call 999

Stroke concern rising amid Covid-19 crisis warns top charity

Concerns are mounting that people who have a stroke or TIA/mini-stroke (transient ischemic attack) are not calling 999 amid the coronavirus pandemic. With strokes continuing to strike across Wales at this time, the Stroke Association fears that thousands of people could be at risk of severe disability, or even stroke-related death, if they don’t Act FAST on stroke symptoms.

Stroke Association Chief Executive, Juliet Bouverie

Postcode lottery leaves thousands of stroke survivors deserted after leaving hospital

Press release to accompany a report showing a postcode lottery for rehabilitation services in the UK, with only 41% of stroke survivors in Northern Ireland reporting they received enough support post-hospital. The Stroke Association are calling for the national clinical guidelines for stroke rehab to be accessible for all stroke survivors. World Stroke Day (29th October 2019) story.

Stroke Association comment on Lord John Prescott's stroke

We were very sad to hear that Lord Prescott has had a stroke. Unfortunately, he is one of the hundreds of thousands of people affected by stroke every year. Everyone at the Stroke Association sends their best wishes to Lord Prescott and his family...

Stroke survivor Rosemary Brown from Northern Ireland says she felt lost when she left hospital following her stroke.

Stroke survivors in Northern Ireland “struggling to recover”

A new report, published today (Monday 18 February 2019) by the Stroke Association, reveals that around half of all stroke survivors in Northern Ireland feel abandoned when they leave hospital and are unable to make a full recovery due to a lack of rehabilitation and on-going support.