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Topics: Health, Health Care, Pharmaceuticals

Roll-out of video triage could transform stroke care and save lives, urges new Stroke Association report

Roll-out of video triage could transform stroke care and save lives, urges new Stroke Association report

Use of technology such as prehospital video triage (PVT) could transform stroke care and boost survival rates of the UK’s fourth leading cause of death, according to the Stroke Association’s new report which comes ahead of the Government’s 10 Year Health Plan.
The Stroke Association has today launched Unlocking potential:
a bold vision for stroke care in England. The charity’s report highl

Ambulance delays mustn’t stop stroke patients from getting lifechanging treatments this winter, says the Stroke Association

Ambulance delays mustn’t stop stroke patients from getting lifechanging treatments this winter, says the Stroke Association

Stroke patients need timely access to vital and lifechanging treatments despite the expected difficulties the winter months will bring for the NHS, calls the Stroke Association.
Today’s NHS England data1shows that November’s average response time for category 2 ambulance calls, which includes stroke, was 42 minutes and 26 seconds - the longest so far this year. In October, the average response

Last year in Scotland...  about 6 in 7 eligible stroke patients missed out on a thrombectomy.

Charities Join Forces to Demand Access to Life Changing Stroke Treatment for All Scots

Scotland trails Ukraine in thrombectomy procedures in 2023 (1) About 1 in 7 of those who needed life changing procedure in Scotland in 2023 got it (2) Thrombectomy reduces the likelihood of a stroke survivor living with severe disability (3) It is one of the most cost-effective treatments in all of medicine, saving the health and care system £47,000 per patient over a five-year period (4)

brain scan

In-hospital stroke care provision has not improved enough over the last 10 years, says the Stroke Association

Thousands of stroke patients are missing out on lifechanging treatment and support as vital elements of in-hospital stroke care have declined over the last decade amidst increased waiting times, warns the Stroke Association.
Despite promising progress in some vital areas and the dedication of an overstretched workforce, the current healthcare ecosystem doesn’t appropriately support the 90,000 p

"Reasons for Scotland’s stroke care performance are complex, but they are not insoluble" - Professor Terry Quinn

Past, Present and Uncertain Future of Stroke Care in Scotland

By Professor Terry Quinn, David Cargill Chair in Geriatric Medicine and Honorary Consultant Physician in Stroke and Geriatric Medicine at University of Glasgow. His article was first published in The Times Scotland.
As a junior doctor in the early 2000s, I decided to work in Scotland specialising in stroke-care. This was for two reasons, firstly I could see that stroke was common in Scotland, e

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